Previous parts of the tutorial can be found here:

WARNING: Some of the images in this tutorial might be a bit unpleasant. Be prepared for stumpwork 'eye surgery'!

Part 3 - Eyes

Here is the third part of a tutorial for stumpwork portraits, inspired by Fay Maxwell, whose excellent book Ladies with Hatitude I warmly recommend.


Take one strand of floss in a colour suitable for the outlines of the eyes.

Starting at the root of the nose, make a Lazy Daisy Stitch (Detached Chain Stitch). Anchor with a short Strait Stitch that will look like part of the eyelashes.

Make the rest of the eyelashes with Straight Stitch. Make sure to catch the eyelid (upper part of the Lazy Daisy Stitch).

The eyebrow is made up of Stem Stitch.

Make the other eye in the same way.

Pick the colour you want for the iris. Two strands of floss.

Make a French Knot and place it in the centre of the eye.

Fasten the thread on the back of the background fabric.

You need black sewing thread for the pupil, use a long thin needle and place a French Knot inside the iris.

Make sure to fasten this black thread on the back, too.

For a nice glint of light in the eye (which really brings the eyes to life), make a short Straight Stitch between the  iris and pupil.

Don't pull too hard, make sure you see just enough of a glint of white, but fasten the white thread on the back.

Make the other eye in the same way.

Next up, Part 4 - Lips, to be posted tomorrow.

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