NHK Partnership Quilt 2019

NHK Partnership Quilt

I have completed the block for next year's NHK's Partnership Quilt project. It is the 15th time I contribute a block and of all those themes, this year's HOUSE theme I found the most uninspiring.

It is also hard to do on this small scale, 15cmx15cm. Up till a few years ago it was 20cmx20cm, which granted us far more room to play around.

Anyway I drew a square in my sketchbook, chewed the pencil for a while and then all of a sudden I had made this mushroom. I knew I had a small piece of red fabric with white polka dots, so I just needed to dig out some other small scraps. The Swedish flag on the washing line was made with crayons and a hot iron.

You can see the blocks I have sent in for the last 14 years here.

Should you wish to take part, the last day for a contribution is 31st July. Read more here.

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