WIPW - Chives for Birthday

Work In Progress Wednesday includes some work in the kitchen garden. I went out to cut some chives for a

Birthday Card
which I then framed.

This is a semi stumpwork picture.

It is worked in Stem Stitch, Detached Chain Stitch, Straight Stitch, Needle Woven Picots and Single Corded Brussels Stitch.
I followed the directions in Sachiko Morimoto's book
but found it hard to shape the Needle Woven Picots into triangular shape (the base should be wider than the tip) with only two strands of floss.  Did I pull too hard? I also found that it was hard to keep even tension on the two strands so the purple petals look lumpy.
I will love to make another of the flowers in the book, but should I stay away from any with needle weaving?

Crazy for Crazy

This is the colour choice for the next octagon block.
What shall we call this block, green olives with watermelon?
Since taking the picture I have dyed the two pieces of lace, the dye is still wet so I do not know if the colours will be suitable.
The plastic ring will turn into a Dorset Button tonight.

World Embroidery Day
initiated by the Embroiderers' Guild in Sweden was held July 30th, as usual, but I was tied up with other things (repairing sunshades/awnings)!!! so I have nothing to show for this most important day to promote embroidery. Life got in the way, as they say. Sigh!

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