Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 74: Boucle Stitch

Welcome to night class at Sunday Stitch School.

After having learned more than 150 TAST (Take A Stitch Tuesday) stitches from Sharon Boggon's fantastic website Pintangle,  I was still hungry for more.

That is why I started this Sunday Stitch School in November 2016. I wanted to work my way through the many, to me unknown stitches, in all the stitch dictionaries in my collection, and any interesting stitch I had found online.

Today's stitch was found online, at no other place than Pintangle! Among the stitches in Sharon's Stitch Dictionary there are some that have NOT found their way into TAST - yet, as far as I know anyway.

So here is a nice Canvas stitch called Boucle Stitch.

You can either have at look at my photos below, or for better quality, go to Sharon's Stitch Dictionary - Boucle Stitch.

Anyway, here goes:
Make a line of slanting stitches.

Then turn the work upside down.
Make a loop under the last slanting stitch I - J, without catching any of the fabric.

Then travel from K to I. Make a new loop around the next slanting stitch, and so on.

Turn the work upside down (e.g. right way up)
and make a new set of slanting stitches A - B and so on.

Turn the work upside down again and 
loop the new slanted stitch I - J and so on,

until you have a full set of stitches.
Try to keep the tension better than I did!

SSS Reference Chart
Aida Sampler
Fake Canvas Sampler

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