Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 76: Loopy Flower Stitch

Welcome to a new lesson at Sunday Stitch School.
Today we are focusing on a beautiful stitch I found on a German website - Pumora Simplify Embroidery.

The stitch is called Loopy Flower.

You need the following things:
(Embroidery hoop)
Thread for the flower (I used yellow)
Thread for the stem (I used green)
Thick pen/stick, or anything you can wind the thread around.

Then follow these steps:
 Take a small stitch.

 Wind the thread around the pen/stick

 Pull out the pen/stick carefully so as not to disturb the loops.

Pull the threaded needle through the loops.

Anchor the loops next to the first stitch.

Secure the stitch with a knot on the back. Cut the thread.

Change to the thread that will be used for the stem. With the tip of the needle open up the loops of the flower and take some straight stitches to fix the loops.

When the loops are secure, stitch the stem. I did mine with Stem Stitch.

 I then added a Detached Chain Stitch for a leaf.

 The pictures on Pumora's website are better than mine, you can see the tutorial here.

Aida Sampler
SSS Reference Chart
and as you are short of time, use the stitch for a birthday card.

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