Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 78: Interlaced Chain Stitch

We have got an invitation to another wedding this week. It is between Mr Inter Laced and Ms Chain Stitch.

Yes, this week's stitch is made up of two threads, or even three!

Mattia tells me the French name is: Point De Chainette Interlacé

First you make a line of Chain Stitch.

Then change to another thread and come out at the top.
Go under the second link in the Chain Stitch, without biting the fabric.
The needle goes from outside, into the stitch (right to left).

Now turn the needle and go from left to right in the first link.


At the end of the line, anchor the stitch

and come out very close by.
Now work in the same way from down to up.

Anchor at the top.

You can fix the outer loops with a stab stitch - the newlyweds will pledge to stay together forever.

Or use a different thread - now who is the third person who would keep the couple together? The child?

Mary Corbet of Needle 'n Thread has a tutorial with very clear photographs. Her neat stitching is a delight to see, check out the even tension.

Add stitches to these three pieces.

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