Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 81: Reversed Fly Stitch

Good afternoon, class.

It is time for a stitch found in Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches, in the Isolated Stitches section.

Let's learn and play with Reversed Fly Stitch.
Updated: Mattia tells me there are two French names - Point de Blume Inversé or Point de Mouche Inversé.

It's easy to learn - just make a Fly Stitch, and on top of that a mirrored Fly Stitch.

You can play around with the length and width of the stitches, make a smaller stitch op top of a larger one, and so on.

Homework: Play! 
On the Teal Wool Tailoring Scribble Cloth, 
Aida Sampler and 
Sunday Stitch School Reference Chart

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