The sewing machine has been hard at it, making small covers for medical equipment, a boring conveyor-belt type of job.
Anyway, while the sewing machine was set up I decided to update the
TAST and Sunday Stitch School Reference Charts
with text.
I had worked all the stitches, but not put on labels.
With a word-processing software I typed the numbers and names, then printed that information onto iron-on fabric, and pressed fusable web onto the back.
I cut the labels up and ironed them into each cell on the chart.
From experience I know that the glue of the fusable web does not withstand constant use of the chart, so I stitched the numbers and names down with nylon thread.
Both the TAST and Sunday Stitch School Reference Charts are now updated.
Crazy for Crazy
I have started on the beading but only added a handful so far.
Cathedral Windows
I counted the 'panes' on the leaded grid I completed last week, and found I needed 31 pieces of 'glass'.
I cut out squares of batik and arranged them on the grid.
This naturally forms the arch that makes the Cathedral Windows pattern so beautiful.
So far I have stitched down 12 out of the 31 pieces of glass.
I hope to have all done by next WIPW so that I can start exploring the second method of making cathedral Windows.