WIPW - 14 x Turquoise

For my Work In Progress Wednesday this week, I can show a finish and some good progress.

Crazy for Crazy
Of the eight Crazy for Crazy cq blocks I have made, the one I call 'Sweet Potato and Roast Chestnuts' was by far the hardest and least enjoyable. The wine red fabric (sweet potato) and the grayish brown fabric (roast chestnut) did not offer any contrast. The brown and beige thread I started out with disappeared on the fabric. The emerald-ish teal thread looked too stark... Whatever I did felt disappointing.
Before giving up I had to do something. Finally I decided to add a few sequins and whip the Portuguese Stem Stitch with some light teal thread.

I will now call it quits and start with a new block that hopefully will be more enjoyable.

Cathedral Windows
I added 14 turquoise pieces of 'glass'. These will be on the edge/corner of the bag.
Furthermore I cut out thirteen raspberry pink pieces of marbled fabric and patterned batik, and these will be added to the empty squares. Once the bag is fully assembled these will be on the sides and the bottom of the bag.
When that is done, I can start on the back of the bag. I will make those squares and insets by machine, to try out another method.

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