Sunday Stitch School - Lesson 63: French Knotted Chain Stitch

Today let's learn another of Madam Sadako Totsuka's stitches. This is taken from her book on Chain Stitch and its variations. She has simply made a combination of the French Knot and the Chain Stitch.
Unfortunately she has not given this stitch a name, so I will un-officially call it French Knotted Chain Stitch. Should any reader of this blog ever have seen this stitch and know its name, please let me know in the comments below.

Work it like this:
Stretch the fabric in a hoop.

Wind the thread twice around the needle to make a French Knot.

Insert the needle near where it came out, and then take the needle out a bit further down, like you would with a Chain Stitch.
Make the thread go from right to left under the needle.

Pull through and make another French Knot in the same way.

Make another combination French Knot and Chain Stitch

and another one.

 Anchor the last Chain Stitch with a French Knot.

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