It has been a busy week and I have not so much to report on Work In Progress Wednesday.
Crazy for Crazy
I wanted to add a nice trim that I saw on Mary Corbet's Needle 'n Thread. It is not as impressive in monochrome beige, but I am quite fond ot its braid like quality. It is made up of Wheat Ear Stitch where Back Stitch later has been added, as well as French Knots. There will be some Straight Stitches, but they will have to wait for next week.
I also filled each 'fork' on the Feather Stitch with Bullion Knots.
A reel of tan gimp caught my attention and I used pens of various thicknesses to make some loops which I couched down.
'Buttony' is so much fun I made another Dorset Button to be added later.